My Messy Closet Confession

Take a peek inside. I’m battling the chaos daily and sadly I’m losing.

Have you seen the new TLC series Hoarding: Buried Alive? Luckily, I’m not that bad with a crazy messy disorder,  but I’d love to get organized in a big way.  I crave the order, but somehow can not get control of my stuff. Our 1st professional step will be getting a closet system installed. I’ve got 2 people scheduled to come in this week with estimates on the closet. Closets by Design and a local closet designer/contracting firm. Mike and I have been working hard on purging the house of excess “stuff” with trips to goodwill and selling all kinds of stuff on Craig’s List. It’s been 4 years since we had Mackenzie and we’re trying to reclaim our house from our disorder.  I’ll share the final closet cure soon. Hopefully I’ll have it installed in the next month.

2 thoughts on “My Messy Closet Confession”

  1. Hey, Colleen. Loved your true confession regarding your closet. What a riot. I have been in your Mom’s closet and I must say, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree!! Love keeping up with you and your family. Love andf hugs, Mrsw. T

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