Riding in a Fire Truck – Totally the Best Birthday Party Ever!

Did you know that your local Fire Engine Volunteers will likely come to your house – with the Fire Truck -for a birthday party?

Simply incredible. And every little boy’s dream.

I’m pretty sure this was the best gift we could ever give to my son Kyle for his 4th birthday and truly it was a gift to ourselves too as we got to experience his joy & wonder – and that of all the little preschool aged kids celebrating with us. Seeing the Fire Engine pull up to your house – for a good reason of course – is VERY exciting Even for the Moms!

The kids were in awe of the demonstration with the Fireman as he showed the kids all the tools and pretty much let them touch everything. As if that wasn’t enough – every single kid was able to RIDE in the fire truck for about a 10 minute loop in our neighborhood and the surrounding vicinity.

The birthday boy even got to ride 2 times ..and on his 2nd trip I was able to ride with him in the Front Seat. It was super duper cool and was Kyle’s favortie part of the entire experience.

After all the glory of the Fire Engine – the kids all went back inside to continue with our original party plan – that of an “Elf” style Birthday party complete with candy canes, cookie decorating, pin the nose on the reindeer, cupcakes, and hot chocolate.


This was all Kyle’s idea and inspiration. Very cute!


Kyle blew out his candles – with some help from his buddy from school Nate. As you can tell, Kyle is struggling to master the candle blowing out skill. He practices hard – and seems to be able to do it correctly- but fails miserably under the pressure of the real deal in his excitement to puff out those candles.

His efforts make for some memorable moments and photos!

On top of the Elf-like festivities, I just added in the Fire Engine as a fun extra activity and was never sure I’d be able to talk to the right people to make it happen -luckily 3 days before the party I was able to connect all the dots and get our local Valley Forge Volunteer Fire Co. to agree to come. They were FABULOUS! And we are beyond grateful for their service to the community and their willingness to share their knowledge and rocking Fire Truck with our kids.

If you’d like the Fire Engine to visit for your son or daughter’s birthday party, just call your local Fire Company. Most likely they will agree to do it – they just request you make a donation. Makes for a super party and gives you a chance to donate to a good cause too. The older kids loved it too as Kenzie, age 6, is now asking for her 7th birthday party to be a Fire Engine party too.



6 thoughts on “Riding in a Fire Truck – Totally the Best Birthday Party Ever!”

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