5 Easy Tips for Moms to Get Ready for Swimsuit Season

Here’s my 5 Easy Tips for Moms to Get Ready for Swimsuit Season. It might not feel like summer yet, but SPRING is here which means I must officially begin my countdown to bathing suit season.It’s time to get fit and toned up since before I know it I’ll be wearing a swim suit DAILY at the pool with the kids.

I’m all about LIFESTYLE choices – staying active, eating healthy, and finding easy ways to build my muscle tone and stay fit so my tips are not about dieting, but instead are about easy ways Moms can squeeze smart choices into their daily crazy routine to improve muscle tone and fitness.

1. Drink Water. And drink even more water. Cut soda and other sugary juices from your regular routine. Drinking them on occasion is not a huge deal, but as I prep for swim season I’m focusing on cutting all soda from my ordinary routine. The more water I drink, the easier it is for me to choose to continue to ONLY drink water instead of opting for a caffienated unhealthy sugary soda.

2. Target your Abs

Here’s my 3 easy ab exercises that I do at night a few times per week when I’m focusing on toning up for a bathing suit. No need to hit the gym, do these from the comfort of your own home.

3.Wear a Fit Bit

I’m crazy about my new Fit Bit. If you are serious about getting fit, this is an easy way to motivate yourself and I highly recommend you make the $99 investment in one. Even if don’t wear it forever, for the few weeks you wear it, the FitBit will make you conscious of your level of activity going forward so you can incorporate healthy habits to keep you active.

I wrote a Fit Bit review and video that you can check out. Basically this device lets me know just how active all of my days are and it’s a great motivation to exercise more, run longer, walk farther, and on the days I don’t exercise, make sure I walk 10,000 steps even if it means walking fast around the house when on a phone call, or doing jumping jacks or bopping around my family room while I’m watching TV at night.

4. Do Weights for your arms at night while watching TV

There’s no need to go to the gym to lift weights. I own a few sets of dumb-bells and I do all my bicep and tricep exercises while watching TV at home. I have about 3 classic exercises I that I repeat with 3 sets of reps for each drill. This takes only about 10 minutes and yields remarkable results if you do this 3-4 x per week. Shoot for every other day to give your body a time to rest.

5. When you need a treat instead of water, opt for Crystal Light Liquid in lieu of sugary beverages.

Keeping this handy in your purse will hopefully prevent your from ordering a sweet drink when you are on the go. I love them! 20130321-130953.jpg

Remember the more you drink or consumer sugar, the more you will crave it. These on the go Crystal Light liquid’s are delicious – you can just pop a few drops in your water bottle or even at your glass of water at a restaurant. The Pomtini and Peach Bellini are my faves! So good and seriously ZERO calories. Hooray!

Hope these quick and easy ideas help you get your swim suit confidence for summer. Or that island escape!

2 thoughts on “5 Easy Tips for Moms to Get Ready for Swimsuit Season”

    • Just start doing them every day if you can when you are watching TV. Even a few times a week is great – just a few minutes but make it regular. If only summer would be here already!

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