Baby Trend Double Sit n Stand Stroller

When it came time to purchase the eventual double strolller when I was pregnant with Baby #2 this was my pick. I’ve been very happy with it and think it is a great option for a family with an infant and a toddler as my children are spaced almost exactly 2 years apart. With the tandem design, you can have a traditional tandem stroller to accommodate your children if they both want to sit which is excellent for longer outings like days at the Zoo or for long trips to the Mall. Or, if you want to use the Sit n Stand traditional style, simply remove the back seat and your toddler can stand next to you. It’s a great pick if you can’t decide which stroller style is best for your needs as it gives you the flexibility to have a true double stroller but also the ability to convert to a basic Sit n Stand when the kids are older. The sun shades on this stroller are more than generous and you will be very happy having 2 large sized shades on hot summer days to keep both kiddos cool. They detach easily as well so in the Winter, I store them in the garage to make the stroller less bulky as I’m only using the stroller for the mall. Classy Mommy Approved. For more information, click here. Price: $180

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