Bye Bye Crib… Hello Big Girl Bed!

Last night we took the rails off Kenzie’s crib and turned it into a toddler bed. She couldn’t be more thrilled with the big move to a “big girl” bed. Probably a move that should have happened ages ago. She was so agreeable to a crib we just never made the switch.

Looking at these photos, I see she really was pretty big for us to continue to cage her in like a small animal. Not to mention she weighs 33 lbs and I find myself heaving her over the rails to get her down for a nap. And she can recite the ABC’s, Count to 12, and knows how to spell the word “H-E-L-P”. So yeah, it was time for the move.

Think we partially didn’t do it for so long as even this one little milestone kind of breaks my heart. Everyday my little girl keeps growing up faster and faster. Think we thought this crib would keep her our baby forever…. but this princess definitely has other plans!

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