Classy Mommy Pregnancy Update – It's a ………

It’s been a while since I posted a pregnancy update. For all you inquiring minds wondering about the sex of my future arrival, I’m happy to share the news that ” It’s a Boy! ” We’re at a standstill on names – every name I love my husband can’t stand and vice versa. So for the time being, we all refer to the baby as simply ” baby boy”. I think this name will be sticking long after he is born!

The above photo shows the baby belly in full bloom at 31 weeks. The baby and I are appear to be super healthy but we are still being seen weekly now as I am considered a “higher risk” patient due to my pre-term labor symptoms. I basically contract constantly – literally like a woman in labor as my bad days feature regular contractions every 3 minutes for hours on end. I experienced these same symptoms with my daughter and I never dilated at all prior to delivery. However, I did have her at 36 weeks and 1 day as soon as I ended my “modified” bed rest. Thankfully, this time I also am not dilating – they are regularly checking my cervix. Given the good outcome of 36 weeks last time, they are allowing me to be up and about – but reminding me I need to take it as easy as possible. So it remains to be seen if it was a fluke that Mackenzie arrived early – or that it did indeed have something to do with the contractions.

Yesterday, I had a Fetal Fibronectin Test. We expect and hope the results to be negative, meaning it is unlikely I will deliver for at least 2 more weeks. I’ll find out the results later today which will be re-assuring assuming the test comes back negative.

Baby boy’s nursery is still in progress – the walls are painted blue and new furniture will be arriving in the coming month! I’ll be sure to post pictures once it is nearly complete. Hopefully, my baby boy will not arrive until at least 36 weeks!

I’ll keep you posted now that we are in the final countdown!

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