Classy Mommy Support Detours and OnRamps geared to address the needs of Working Moms!

Hooray for this sure to be fabulous conference geared to give career direction and options to working moms and those moms looking to re-join the workforce! Save the date and register now to join “Detours and OnRamps”, a one-day forum held October 8, 2007 in New York, NY. Classy Mommy is impressed with this program and is a big supporter of “Detours and OnRamps”.

The forum is designed to address the needs of working mothers (or those planning to be working, or mothers.) You’ve heard the talk, you’ve read the articles…but this is the first event to put all the pieces together so you can actually DO something about getting back into the workforce.

If you’re working now, and want some other options…this is a great place to learn what they are. Taken some time off? Figure out how to get back to a job you want. Meet with companies and recruiters making a difference in the marketplace, and get practical solutions on how to take charge of your career path and make it work for you now, or for your family long-term. Take advantage of phenomenal networking opportunities and join us for this event that will put you back on track for a full or flextime career.

Visit their website to register for the forum and learn more about Detours and OnRamps.

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