Disney’s Brave Princess Merida Toys hit Stores Now

Target has Brave Princess Merida dolls and toys galore in stock now!


What a surprise to see these new Disney Merida goodies when we randomly hit Target today. The kids were so excited to see these new toys from the much anticipated Disney Pixar Brave movie that will hit in less than a month. Our Target had 2 various “smaller” Barbie sized Merida dolls – and one even came with her archery set and a reversible jeweled cap. and 2 different Toddler sized Merida dolls – including one that came with Merida’s “Three Bear Brothers!”


Kenzie and Kyle are already pining after the Toddler dolls, the “gummy” Princess Merida doll, and the 11 inch Merida doll that comes complete with bow & arrows! The items seem to be selling out fast already too as every Princess Merida role play dress up costume was already sold out!


Both kids are loving these goodies and are adding these Merida toys to their “most wanted” list – and I’m thinking this might be our “bribery” gift for the next upcoming round of blood tests the kids need and are DREADING beyond belief.




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