Happy Veteran’s Day #GreenlightAVet 

I’m loving this amazing way to show support for our Vets. Simply pop a GREEN LIGHT in your front porch lighting. Living in America we have so many freedoms and it’s important we don’t take them for granted and remember our Vets.

Walmart started this awesome campaign to encourage people to show support of our USA Vets. The website is fabulous and shares some amazing stories. Check it out here: http://www.greenlightavet.com/ 

How To Get Involved to GreenlightAVet

Change one light to green in a visible location-on your porch, in your home, or at your office-and keep it glowing every day as a symbol of appreciation and support for our veterans. Then, share your support by taking a picture of your green light and posting it using the hashtag #greenlightavet.

Check out this Awesome page showing GREENLIGHTS supporting our Vets that have been shared on social media.
showing people’s participation: http://bit.ly/1laOot4

Vet Stories YouTube Playlist

Check out these touching stories and thank a Vet today!

Walmart Moms 2014 Spring Disclosure

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