How to Check for Head Lice Video and Lice Treating and Prevention Tips #getRIDoflice #RID

This post is in partnership with RID ®

“Lice.” The four letter word that no Mom ever wants to experience. Simply overhearing the wordlice whispered amidst parents or receiving the dreadful lice letter from your child’s school isenough to cause total panic and household hypochondria. Tell me you haven’t received the“Lice Letter” from the school principal and instantly started itching your own head. Am I right?

With kids coming back from holiday break and lots of sleepovers, pillow sharing, and coldweather hat wearing, this is definitely the time of year you want to be sure you are well educatedon the ins and outs of lice to be prepared in case the little buggers hit your loved ones. Luckily,we’ve got some solid tips on preventing and treating lice from the experts at RID, America’s #1 lice treatment brand and a must-have for families to be prepared.

How to Check for Head Lice

Visit www.ridlice.com for comprehensive, 24/7 support services including simple step-by-step instructions and How-To videos and specially trained experts at the dedicated 1-800-RID-LICE hotline.

Tips to Prevent Lice & Recognizing Head Lice

You definitely don’t want to treat your child if it is not necessary. What busy Mom has time for that? So it’s very important to really know the symptoms of lice and of course to prevent head lice infestations if possible by teaching your children (and parents!) to not share hats, headphones, headbands, combs, pillows, hairbrushes and so on. Better safe than sorry!

The most common symptom is head itching! And of course if you get that lice letter from school or you know your child has been exposed to a head lice infestation in the classroom or with a friend, check your child’s head nightly so you can catch the lice EARLY before the infestation festers, grows and becomes far more complicated to deal with as far as the number of eggs, live lice and so on.

What I love about the RID Lice Elimination Essentials Kit and RID Lice Treatment Complete Kit is that you can ensure complete lice treatment without having to go to a special lice removal salon to have your child’s head treated.  Both RID kits include scientifically proven products to kill lice and remove their eggs.

I’ve had friends who have paid high dollar figures to have a lice professional come into their home to de-louse their kiddo. All this requires is a quick trip to the drug store – or just keep RID in your linen closet so you will be prepared just in case LICE strikes.  Parents can easily use RID themselves to treat their children so it is easier on the wallet.

What do Lice Look Like?

  • Head lice are tiny, wingless insects that live on the human scalp.
  • Head lice sustain themselves by sucking blood—just as mosquitoes do. However, unlike mosquitoes, lice cannot fly or jump from one person to another; they can only crawl.
  • While the most common symptom of lice infestation is itching, infestation may continue even after itching stops. It’s important to check for lice, even if the itching stops, to decide whether or not to continue treatment.

Demo How to Check for Head Lice Video

How to Treat Lice

RID is available at many mass retailers, drug stores, and grocery stores nationwide. To find out where to buy RID products near you, visit the store locator at www.ridlice.com

How to Check for Head Lice

LICE TREATMENT • The full treatment

Detailed Product Info on RID and How to Treat At Home

Disclaimer: Before starting treatment, read product label for full instructions.

RID offers a full line of products for the treatment of lice in your family and in your home. RID products are formulated with proven, FDA- recognized ingredients to ensure safe, efficacious treatment. RID Products include:

RID Lice Treatment Complete Kit (SRP $21.99) which contains:

  • The RID 4 OZ Lice Killing shampoo
  • The RID Lice & Egg Comb-Out Spray to be used AFTER Lice Killing Shampoo to detangle hair and make combing out nits and eggs easier. (Combing out nits and eggs is an essential step to completely get rid of lice. )
  • The patented RID Lice Comb, specially developed to aid in removing lice eggs and nits.
  • The 3OZ RID Home Lice, Bedbug & Dust Mite Spray

RID Lice Elimination Essentials Kit (SRP $13.99) contains:

  • The RID 4 OZ Lice Killing shampoo
  • The RID Lice & Egg Comb-Out Spray
  • The patented RID Lice Comb


RID Lice Killing Shampoo available in 2 FL OZ, (SRP$9.99), 4 FL Oz (SRP $10.99) and 8 FL OZ (SRP $18.99)

  • RID Lice Killing Shampoo is an  effective, easy-to-use shampoo and conditioner in one.

RID Home Lice, Bedbug & Dust Mite Spray 5OZ (141.8 g) (SRP: $5.99)

  • The Home Lice, Bedbug & Dust Mite Spray kills lice & their eggs on mattresses, furniture, car interiors and other non-washable items.  The RID Home Spray is not for use on humans.

How To Treat at Home with RID

The full treatment requires 7 to 10 days. When all directions have been followed for the 3-step lice elimination process, you should be free of lice after the day of your final application. To ensure that you are lice-free, it is critical that all steps be followed according to package directions.

Definitely read all the directions carefully from the box and follow the steps as directed. You need to really comb out those lice and eggs! That is so important so no new lice can be born and continue to populate!

Day 1: Start Treatment  

Step 1: Apply RID® Lice Killing Shampoo to Dry Hair  

Step 2: Comb Out Lice and Eggs

Step 3: Treat the Home

Day 2 through 6: Inspect the Hair for Lice & Eggs  

RID treatment reminders can help ensure that you don’t miss your second lice treatment.

Sign up for treatment reminders by texting RIDLICE to 877-67.  If you see eggs or live lice before day 7, repeat Step 2: Comb Out Lice and Eggs.  DO NOT repeat shampooing with RID before the 7th day. Newly hatched lice are not mature enough to lay new eggs.

Day 7 through 10: Repeat Step 1 on any of these 4 days.  A second treatment with RID Lice Killing Shampoo is necessary to kill any newly hatched lice.  After shampooing, use the RID Lice Comb to remove dead lice and eggs. To view informational videos and additional resources, visit https://www.ridlice.com/en/getting-rid-of-lice/  



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