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Have you had the Santa conversation yet with your kids? This book, Love Santa, by Martha Brockenbrough with illustrations by Lee White, is genius and the sweetest way to share the truth about Santa with your kids. Simply beautiful!
I’ve been dreading having this conversation for YEARS! The magic Santa and everything Christmas has brought into our lives is priceless and has created memories that will last a lifetime for all of us.
I think this book is the sweetest way to share the truth about Santa if your children ask and you feel they are ready to know the truth. Or in my case, the perfect book to share with my 12 year old daughter who I can tell probably does not believe anymore, but doesn’t want to talk about it. My daughter is 12 and I can tell that she doesn’t really “Believe” with that same ZEST anymore since she is no longer writing letters to Santa, but she’s caught in that place where she doesn’t want to spoil the fun of it for her little brother who is definitely a believer. And really, who wants to think that Santa isn’t real after all???
Because Santa is bigger than any one person, this book is based on the letter the author wrote to her own daughter to help ease the truth about Santa. Her letter went viral when she shared it online and was ultimately published by the New York Times as she explains that Santa is truly bigger than any one person and is really about kindness, the spirit of giving, and creating magic – and that now her daughter is part of that special club too!
The Love, Santa book is a series of letters between a little girl Lucy and Santa each Christmas and ends with Lucy writing to her Mom and then her Mom responding with the beautiful truth about Santa. So sweet!
I love it and can’t wait to share this book with my daughter to help us spark that conversation so she can join in the club of creating magic for her younger brother and all those who still believe.
Here’s a sample of the letter in the book. Isn’t it wonderful?
“Santa is a teacher who helps us believe. All your life, you will need to have faith: in your family, in your friends, in yourself … even in things you can’t see or touch. Here, I am talking about love, which will light your life from the inside out, even when things feel cold and dark. So no, I am not Santa. Santa is love and magic and hope and happiness, and now you know the secret of how he gets down all those chimneys on Christmas Eve…”
About Love, Santa
In a series of letters, a young girl writes to Santa to ask about the North Pole, Mrs. Claus, and of course, Christmas goodies. Year after year, Santa writes back, and a heartwarming relationship develops, until one year, the girl writes to her mother instead: Mom, are you Santa? Her mother responds to say that no, she is not Santa. Because Santa is bigger than any one person — we bring him out through kindness to one another and the power of imagination. This transformative tale spins a universal childhood experience into a story about love, giving, and the spirit of Christmas.
About the Creators
Martha Brockenbrough is the author of two books for adults and five books for young readers, including The Game of Love and Death, which earned four starred reviews and was a Kirkus Prize finalist, Devine Intervention, and The Dinosaur Tooth Fairy. She lives in Seattle, Washington, with her husband and their two daughters. Visit her online at
Lee White is an artist and teacher who loves watercolor, print making, and climbing trees. He spends his days splashing paint in his backyard studio, where there are absolutely no clocks allowed! He has illustrated more than fifteen books and shown in galleries across the country, from Los Angeles to New York. He lives in Portland, Oregon, with his wife and young son.
This is beautiful. I am at this point with my daughter and needed something just like this, right about now. Thanks!!
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