Johnson’s Baby Cares: Moms Give Back

How do you find ways to give back to your community? And to teach your kids to do the same?

I’m a proud member of the Johnson’s Baby Cares Council and so excited to help spread the word about their efforts to give back. Like many families, I’m always trying to find a way to give back to my community and also involve my children in the process so they can learn about giving back too.

Every month, I lead a team of volunteers to pack food into backpacks for our Local Food bank that directly goes to children in need at the very elementary school my 6 year old daughter attends. Kenzie, 6, and Kyle, 4, are both old enough that they are able to come with me on Wednesday nights and assist in my efforts.

Obviously, the other volunteers and I do the heavy lifting, but the kids are thrilled to help and they are able to sort food, organize the backpacks, labels, and make sure we include all the right paperwork in each bag. My kids feel really special to be able to help Mom with a project that gives back but most importantly I think we’re making this volunteer work a regular part of their own routine. So hopefully, someday Kenzie and Kyle will be signing up for their own volunteer efforts when they are old enough to go solo and fit giving back into their own busy schedule.

 Actress Hilary Duff  supported JOHNSON’S® Baby’s First Initiative with Save the Children.

“As a new mom, I am inspired by this worthy cause, which aims to give all moms a chance to not only experience the joy of a healthy baby, but also an opportunity to be together and have moments of normalcy during crisis situations,” said Hilary Duff. “I appreciate the opportunity to join JOHNSON’S® Baby and Save the Children to offer a helping hand and make a difference.”

To assist families, the makers of JOHNSON’S® Baby products, alongside parent company Johnson & Johnson, are making a multi-year, multi-million dollar contribution to Save the Children that will help create and sustain key initiatives, including:

Hilary Duff helped make a donation and distribution of thousands of JOHNSON’S® Baby “Care Kits”, providing families with baby care essentials immediately after a disaster.

I’m so excited to be involved in this large scale effort from Johnson’s Baby to make a difference and hopefully I can get my kids involved too.

Next up, I’ll be giving away Hilary Duff signed JOHNSON’S® Baby “Care Kit” as well as a JOHNSON’S® Babyproduct gift basket. Hooray! 

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