Kenzie's Styling in Kate Snow's High Heels

When Kate Snow of ABC’s Good Morning America visited our home earlier this summer we all had a fantastic time. Kate Snow couldn’t have been more wonderful to my family. She was down to earth, made me feel comfortable for my interview, and even let 3 year old Kenzie model her high heels. How cool is that?

Meeting an ABC national news correspondent for an interview in your kitchen can be a bit nerve wracking. Imagine the perfectly articulate, intelligent and gorgeous, Kate Snow chatting me up while I’m worrying about the dirty dishes, if the kids will behave, and our backdrop— my refrigerator covered in magnets and pre-school artwork. Kate made me feel totally at ease as she is a Mom herself with a 6 year old son and a little girl almost exactly Kenzie’s age. Even cooler, we both completed our undergrad degrees at Cornell and as coincidence would have it we both lived in the exact same house in Collegetown on Catherine Street. (For a moment I think Kate thought I might actually be a crazy stalker instead of a Mommy blogger when I mentioned my collegetown address as this truly was an enormous and funny coincidence! ) This interview really was a highlight of my summer and after working hard on my website for the past 3 years, this certainly was very exciting for Classy Mommy. What a day!

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