Kids Headquarters Back to School Fashions Twitter Party #KidsHeadquarterBTS

Join us to talk new fashion trends for kids from Kids Headquarters – brands like Under Armour, Hurley, and Calvin Klein!

Are you in Back to School mode yet? As soon as August hits I’m all over getting prepped on the new fashions for Fall and love spotting the new trends for my kids – and myself! With my kids growing leaps and bounds for each new school year, we’re always ready to freshen  up their wardrobes for both school and for all their athletic wear for after school activities too.

I heart the new looks from Under Armour so much – they are fabulous! Isn’t Kenzie adorable in this tennis outfit?

A bunch of bloggers will be meeting for breakfasts to check out the showroom at Kids Headquarters and hear about the latest trends. We’ll be tweeting live about the new looks and styles and giving away 1 special prize to a participant who is not in NYC with us and is tweeting along and answering our Prize question at the end of our showroom tour.


When: Friday morning August 3rd, 2012 at 8:00 AM EST – bright and early!

Time: 8:00 AM – 9:00 AM EST (Yes this is a morning Twitter chat!!!!)

Where: Use the hashtag #KidsHeadquarterBTS to participate. To make it really easy to join in the conversation, feel free to use the TweetGrid we created especially for this party here: http://bit.ly/N3kjFK

Hosts:  Hosts for this morning are @ClassyMommy and @KidsHeadquarter

Prizes: Something special for Mom from Michael Kors!

( Note: This is not a traditional twitter party with prize questions throughout the 1 hour Twitter chat– instead we’ll be tweeting about the looks we see and trends we are hearing about from Kids Headquarter during our 1 hour showroom tour. At the end of the hour, we’ll ask a Prize question. )

NO RSVP required – just join us with the hashtag #KidsHeadquarterBTS

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