Leap Frog Gives Back

As an Ambassador for Leap Frog’s Summer Reading Program, Leap Frog enabled me to donate both their Tag and Tag Jr. reading systems along with headsets, carrying cases, and their books to libraries and preschools in my community. Talk about a company that believes in giving back! Here’s a photo of the kids and I donating Leap Frog goodies to the Stepping Stone Child care center, a subsidized preschool & day Care in Phoenixville. The staff there couldn’t have been more appreciative of our donation – they even were giving us hugs! This felt wonderful and I feel confident the reading systems will be put to good use. I can’t tell you how thrilling it was to be able to be a little Leapfrog Fairy sprinkling these educational products to preschools in need, our local library systems, and via our Phoenixville Area Community Support system which assisted me in finding families in need which could benefit & appreciation the donation of a Tag Reader.
We love Leap Frog’s products -especially the Tag Reader systems – so I couldn’t be happier to promote such a valuable reading tool. Seriously, my husband and I swear we see the learning happening before our eyes when my daughter plays with her Tag Reader. And as a Mom aspiring to make a difference in my community, it doesn’t get much better than this.

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