Don’t forget to be safe when you’re out trick or treating with the kids. Thanks to the folks at Fed Ex and Safe Kids USA who sent us these safety tips.
Keeping Kids Safe on Halloween
Always trick-or-treat with an adult until age 10
Only trick-or-treat in familiar areas that are well lit
Cross streets at corners, using traffic signals and crosswalks
Look left, right and left again when crossing; always walk, don’t run, when crossing streets
Make eye contact with drivers and watch for cars that are turning or backing up
Walk on sidewalks or paths; if there are no sidewalks, walk facing traffic as far to the left as possible
Never dart out into the street or cross in between parked cars
Wear light-colored, flame-retardant, costumes decorated with retro-reflective tape or stickers
Wear well-fitting, sturdy shoes to prevent trips and falls
Carry a flashlight or glow stick to increase visibility to drivers
Wear face paint and makeup; a mask can restrict a child’s vision
Da kann ich meinen Vorredner nur Recht geben.