Official Lea Clark American Girl Doll of the Year 2016 Photos and Images

Calling all American Girl fans! It’s time for the big reveal of the American Girl Doll of the Year 2016. This years doll will be adventuring in BRAZIL and is a wildlife lover. Like millions of other fans, my 10 year old daughter and I eagerly await all the scoop on the latest AG doll of the year every New Year’s Eve. This morning, American Girl exclusively revealed their 2016 doll of the year on Good Morning America. Meet Lea Clark – a  wildlife lover, talented photographer, and 10 year old traveler about to embark on a family trip to Brazil to meet up with her older brother who is studying the Amazon rainforest.With the Olympics in Rio this summer, the timing is perfect for our girls to learn so much more about Brazil!

Lea Rainforest House-LRAnd like the past few years, this American Girl Doll of the Year will have her very own movie. Lea’s all-new, action-adventure film will debut on DVD from Universal Studios Home Entertainment in summer 2016. Check out the scoop below to see the Official Lea Clark American Girl Doll of the Year 2016 Photos and Images that American Girl shared with us.

The new doll of the Year 2016 will go on sale as of January 1st 2016 at in just a few hours!

Official Lea Clark American Girl Doll of the Year 2016 Photos and Images

Official Product Information on Lea Clark American Girl Doll of the Year 2016

Here’s the official product scoop on the American Girl Doll of the Year 2016 – Lea Clark. Priced at $120 and includes the 1st book in her series of 3 stories.

Lea, the 2016 Girl of the Year, is a talented photographer with an adventurous spirit. In her story, Lea discovers a wide world of possibilities when she embarks on a faraway adventure to Brazil. The 18”Lea doll has warm hazel eyes, medium skin, and long wavy hair. Lea arrives in a colorful dress with braided trim, underwear, and sandals with crisscrossed laces. Also included are her colorful canvas messenger bag, a pretend compass necklace, and the Lea Dives In paperback book by Lisa Yee. 

Official Lea Clark American Girl Doll of the Year 2016 Photos and Images

Lea Clark’s Story

Lea will have 3 books to tell her tale and I LOVE that this year’s doll will introduce our girls to another part of the world and show girls that they can make a difference to support wildlife – or whatever your passion and cause may be…….

Written by award-winning author Lisa Yee, the 2016 Girl of the Year books—Lea Dives In, Lea Leads the Way, and Lea and Camila—introduce girls to a curious ten-year-old girl with an adventurous spirit. On a family trip to Brazil to visit her older brother, Zac, who is studying the Amazon rainforest, Lea is excited to capture everything she sees with her camera. Soon Lea   makes some incredible discoveries, but she also faces unexpected challenges, including a fear  of the ocean, tension with Zac, and finding a baby sloth that has been gravely injured. With the    help of her family, her new Brazilian friend, Camila, and her late grandmother’s guiding inspiration, Lea finds the inner strength and confidence to live her new adventures to the fullest.

More Official Lea Clark American Girl Doll of the Year 2016 Photos and Images

We always love the creative accessories, fashions, and play sets that go along with each unique American Girl doll of the year to bring their story to life in play. Check out these cool goodies for Lea – including a giant Rainforest house!

American Girl Doll of the year Lea Clark Rainforest House


 Official Lea Clark American Girl Doll of the Year 2016 Photos and Images

And since she’s a passionate animal lover, we’ve got some more exotic plush creatures this year like the stuffed Sloth and Sea Turtle.

Lea Sea Turtle Lifestyle-LR

American Girl 2016 Sloth stuffed animal


Giving Back with American Girl Lea to the World Wildlife Fund

American Girl has created Wild at Art, a year-long fund-raising campaign in support of World Wildlife Fund (WWF). Starting January 1, American Girl is encouraging girls to use their artistic abilities to host an art sale and donate the proceeds to WWF. To launch the campaign, American Girl has made a $50,000 donation to WWF and also invites customers to contribute at American Girl retail stores and Parents can visit to learn more and register for Wild at Art, plus get animal-themed craft ideas, and be entered into a sweepstakes for the chance to win one of 17 Lea prize packages.


9 thoughts on “Official Lea Clark American Girl Doll of the Year 2016 Photos and Images”

  1. I love her, but I’m not a fan of the zip-tie. I do like the animal rights activist/wildlife phorographer aspect to her story. She is very pretty and I like the WWF donation campaign. I just can’t get over the zip-tie! Well, I called the corporate office and I was told the string-ties are going to be a thing of the past! Tacky zip-ties for now on, girls.:( That is just honestly so sad and disturbing to me. The neck strings are an American Girl institution and separates the dolls from the cheaper competition at Michels and Target. I don’t think AG is heading in the right direction!

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