Yum! Pillsbury Key Lime and Orangesicle Cake Cookies and Icing

New summer dessert alert! Pillsbury Key Lime and Orangesicle Cake Cookies and Icing mixes are now available in store at Walmart. We took both of these flavors for a test run on a rainy day this week. A very yummy blog assignment that both kids were thrilled to participate in!

Take a look at these new flavor options that are perfect for a summer dessert. Key Lime and Orangesicle! Each flavor is available in a cookie mix, cake mix, and icing variety.

You can check out these exotic flavors from Pillsbury that are brand new to Walmart and priced at $1.25 each.

I’m obsessed with Key Lime anything so I put my little assistant to work with me to help me bake a Key Lime cake.



It turned out delicious but my favorite part of all was the Key Lime Icing. It was DIVINE if you are a Key Lime fanatic like me. Truly, the icing was incredible and tasted almost exactly how I would want key lime filling in a pie to taste. I think I’d love to experiment with this Key Lime Icing and a pie crust too or top it off on anything chocolate for an interesting combination.

We did just that when we took the Key Lime and Orangesicle Icing for a test run for 5 year old Kyle who has celiac disease and wasn’t able to eat the cake with the rest of the family. Instead, we let him ice his gluten free cupcakes that I keep stocked in my freezer with both an Orangesicle and Key Lime icing combination. He was THRILLED! And loved both flavors but takes after his mother and prefers Key Lime.


However, 7 year old Kenzie felt the Key Lime icing was a bit tart for her – although she certainly devoured the entire piece of Key Lime Cake! Kenzie instead, preferred the Orangesicle icing.

I liked both flavors of icing and mix options, but as a die hard Key Lime fan, the Key Lime clearly won out for me personally.

My Key Lime cake was seriously so scrumptious! And what I really loved was how easy it was to make an extra special dessert treat for my family since these were box flavors. My Key Lime Pie only required 3 ingredients – water, 3 eggs, and 1/3 cup of Oil. Simple!

These new flavors make a great option for summer entertaining – for 4th of July picnics, pool parties, or graduation celebrations, these will make a surprising addition to any dessert table.

Bonus: Your friends will think you’ve gone all Martha Stewart when really you’ll just be whipping up a simple mix from a box!

As a participant in the Walmart Moms Program, I’ve received a sample product along with compensation for my time and efforts in creating this post. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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