Sesame Street’s Upside Downton Abbey Video Spoof Rocks

Calling all Downton Abbey Fans! This is a MUST WATCH video clip.  I promise you will find the Sesame Street Downton Abbey video spoof hilarious. It’s so funny I can hardly stand it.Almost every Mom I know, including myself, is OBSESSED with Downton Abbey so I just love how Sesame Street is so on the pulse of popular culture and incorporates these fun spoofs Parents can appreciate into their kids programming.

Check out the video clip below to catch “Upside Downton Abbey.” And yes eating proves difficult when hanging out upside down. British accents are so good I could swear the Dowager Countess herself is starring in the role!

Mrs. Patmore and Daisy will be busy in the kitchen if this keeps up!

This full parody will air on Monday’s February 4th Sesame Street episode which launches a new season.  Titled,  “Upside Downton Abbey,”  this take on the Golden Globe-winning PBS television show, Downton Abbey. In Upside Downton Abbey everything keeps falling to the ceiling until they solve the problem by changing the name to Right Side Upton Abbey and everything turns right side up.

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