Simple Turkey Gobbler

Yum!!! It’s time to make good with those Thanksgiving leftovers. You know I’m all about keeping things easy so I like to go for the post Thanksgiving Turkey Gobbler sandwich. Delish and beyond easy… cause let’s face it after cooking up a storm and hosting Thanksgiving, most of us are looking for EASY after the big day.


Simple Turkey Gobbler Directions

Our recipe is so easy this doesn’t really require much in the way of instruction as you can see from our photos. All you need is a nice big roll and then add toppings to your heart’s content. So, go for it and pile up all your fave Thanksigving sides on top of your chopped up leftover turkey!

I love adding the Cranberry Sauce as this is my personal fave Thanksgiving side and I find the sweet and tartness of it just makes the entire sandwich pop.


I always hate to see those Turkey day leftovers go to waste, so this is the easiest way to mix up the way to consume another Turkey dinner. We used a Turkey breast for our small meal with family, so we had a big hunk of meat leftover. I just chopped it all up so I can use it for sandwich meat.



And if your out of cranberry sauce, you can stock up on my fave – Ocean Spray canned cranberry – at your local Walmart.



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