Win it! We’re giving away 1 copy of Space Warriors DVD. Space Warriors, the new family movie from Walden Family Theater, airs tomorrow night on Hallmark Channel Friday night May 31st, 2013 at 8/7 C. Tune in to the premiere tomorrow and you can purchase the DVD in store or online at Walmart too.
Kenize, Kyle and I all highly recommend this family movie as we saw the premiere last month at Space Camp, where the movie was filmed.
You can read all about our experience at Space Camp and about our red carpet interviews with the Space Warriors cast here.
Enter to win a copy of the Space Warriors DVD. 1 winner will be chosen. US Residents only.
1. Leave a comment below by June 15th, 2013.
2. Daily comments as daily entries are allowed.
3. Tweet the following for an entry:
I’m hoping to win the #SpaceWarriors DVD from @ClassyMommy
4. Daily Tweets allowed.
5. Follow Classy Mommy Colleen Padilla on her YouTube Channel here. Leave a comment letting me know you followed me on YouTube.
6. Follow Classy Mommy Colleen Padilla on her Instagram page here. Leave a comment letting me know you following me on Instagram.
Note: Thanks to Walden Family Theater for providing us a copy of the DVD and a copy to giveaway to 1 lucky reader.
About Space Warriors:
Six highly skilled teenagers are handpicked to be part of a summer space camp competition at the U.S. Space & Rocket Center in Huntsville, Alabama. As the competition heats up, the kids have no idea that their ultimate challenge will be to solve a life or death crisis aboard the International Space Station as the world anxiously watches.
Starring: Thomas Horn, Danny Glover, Josh Lucas, Dermot Mulroney, Mira Sorvino and Booboo Stewart.
Space Warriors is the second film in the Walden Family Theater original lineup featuring great family entertainment, airing Friday nights exclusively on Hallmark Channel. Walden Family Theater is creating films for the whole family to enjoy together, so make sure to mark your calendars and gather around the television to watch all the great upcoming films!
Past films include: “The Chronicles of Narnia” series, “Holes”, “Nim’
Official Space Warriors Website: http://
This looks charming!
6/1 Looks like a great movie.
6/2 Daily Entry
6/3 Daily Entry
6/4 Daily Entry
looks like a fun one!
I would love to win this!
6/5 Mid week Yay.
6/5 entry!
I loved space camp as a kid and would love to go as an adult!
6/6 tweet
6/6 Daily Entry
6/7 Daily Entry
6/8 Daily Entry
Thank you for the chance to win this looks like a great movie to watch with the family.
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looks like a fun movie
6/12 Daily Comment
I would love this.
Think this looks fun to watch
vmkids3 at msn dot com
Daily Comment 6/13
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Looks like a cute movie
I follow on youtube
I follow on instagram as xxbeccaannxx
Daily Entry:)
6/13 Daily Entry
My daughter would love this movie!
Looks like this is a good movie.
I’d love to see this movie!
I tweeted
I follow on you tube Peachesncream887
I follow on Instagram Peachesncream887
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Daily Comment 6/14
daily entry 6/14
Daily Entry 6/14
Mancrushes on Josh Lucas and Dermot Mulroney!
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Count me in!
would love to win this!
I would love to see this
I Tweeted
Daily comment 6/15
looks like a good family movie
I would like to watch this with my kiddos.
I’d love to win!
Looking forward of seeing this.
6/15 Daily Entry
I tweeted!
thanks for the giveaway 6-15 daily entry
I follow on You Tube Danielle Williams
I’m sure my kids would love it!
This looks like a fun amily movie! Thanks!
My grandson would like this movie
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
Thank you so much for the giveaway!
Follow on You Tube @coolestmommy
Follow on INstagram @coolestmommy
This looks like a good movie.
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This looks like such a fun movie that my kids would enjoy!
thanks for the giveaway, I’d like to win this!
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Count me in too please
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