The Bumbo Seat: Love it or Hate it?

It seems the Bumbo is a love hate relationship among Parents. I totally fell into the hate category with Kenzie as this seat just did not work for her – maybe I missed the appropriate stage and age. Decided to pull it out for Kyle and this little bugger has been adoring it the last few weeks. So, now I guess I’m in the fan category. Like any product or parenting technique – I guess it all depends on the individual kid! I stay close by to insure safety – and now that Kyle is stronger, I sense he is beginning to buck out of it. (why it never worked for his sister) Anyhow, I love this Bumbo pic of little Kyle just before 4 months in his “Rock Star” tee from Uncommonly Cute. Had Kyle’s 4 month appt today -he clocked in at 14 lbs 4 oz and is looking healthy now that the RSV is behind him!

1 thought on “The Bumbo Seat: Love it or Hate it?”

  1. Well right ,it’s all depend on the baby and how they are dealing with all the facilities. but yes as there wishes are different also they have different needs so it’s always need to take care of. So it’s the responsibility of parents how should they deal with the baby needs and what product they need to select for them .

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