Tune in to the 50th Airing of Rudolph Tomorrow Night on December 9th #ShineBright

Who else remembers that coveted evening in December when Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer would AIR on TV on one very special evening?  This year, Rudolph turns 50 years old! Long before the days of DVD’s and DVR’s we had only ONE opportunity to stay up late on a school night and watch this magical TV special. I can remember being a young child sitting by the fire burning with the Christmas tree sparkling and watching Rudolph on television with my parents every year.

So tune in tomorrow night on Tuesday December 9th to catch this 50th airing of Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer.

Continuing this tradition with my kids has been marvelous – and I profess we do also watch Rudolph again and again after we record it! But there is nothing like catching live and the extra special feeling of staying up late to watch this classic tale.

How Do You Shine Bright?

This year, Shine Bright is encouraging parents and teachers to use the TV special as an opportunity to spark a conversation with your kids or students about acceptance, respect and diversity. Love this!

Both Hermey the Elf and Rudolph struggle so much in this story and I think kids can really relate to it and it gives them an opportunity to understand Bullying as they put themselves in the shoes of these beloved and popular characters.

This classic story from the television special can now be enjoyed as an eBook – “The Legend of Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer” – and one dollar from each purchase will be donated to PACER’s National Bullying Prevention Center. Additionally, a portion of the sale of each “ShineBright” t-shirt will be donated to the cause.

For more information or to purchase the eBook or t-shirt, visit PACER.org/ShineBright.

Download Rudolph Classroom Activities to Prevent Bullying

Use these amazing resources in Pacer’s Educator’s Guide to spark the conversation in your classroom or at home with your children to celebrate differences and acceptance. You can download the guide for free here: http://www.pacer.org/bullying/shinebright/pdf/ShineBright_Educator_Guide.pdf

Download the Educators Guide here: http://www.pacer.org/bullying/shinebright/pdf/ShineBright_Educator_Guide.pdf

Note: I am a ‘ShineBright’ Ambassador and have been compensated for my participation. All opinions are my own.

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