12 Beauty Uses for Coconut Oil

Coconut Oil is growing in popularity and we’ve got 12 Beauty Uses for Coconut Oil that might surprise you!

12 Beauty Uses for Coconut Oil

Have you ever gone grocery shopping and seen  this “white jar” of coconut oil near the peanut butter, but you never really know what it is, or what to do with it???? We’ve got the scoop on Coconut Oil and how you can use it in the kitchen and on your body! After I did some research, I got myself one and a few more after that! There are some many benefits to coconut oil! For health reasons, yet also some beauty tips too. { I have a little bit in my bathroom! }

Not only can you cook with it {add in to stir fry’s}
A great substitute for baking products { substitute butter+  vegetable oil with coconut oil as a healthier alternative} Check out this recipe I used with it, homemade oat bars!
Add into drinks i.e. warm tea {Boost metabolism}
It’s also great for your {digestive track}

12 Beauty Uses for Coconut Oil

Beyond all those healthy ideas to cook with coconut oil in the kitchen, there are also numerous beauty regimes that go along with it! Check out these 12 Beauty Uses for Coconut Oil.

  1. Use as a super conditioner for your hair
  2. Apply to dry hair, then shampoo as normal
  3. Put some in a small container to use as lip balm
  4. Use it in place of shaving cream
  5. Add a small amount to your bath water to create a moisturizing soak
  6. Use as a make-up remover
  7. Use around your eyes to help prevent wrinkles
  8. Apply to stomach when pregnant to aid in preventing stretch marks
  9. Brush on eyelashes to help strengthen them <– I’ve heard great things on this, I may need to try!
  10. Use on pimple and acne to help heal it
  11. Apply on cracked or rough heels
  12. Mix with the spice nutmeg and apply to blemishes for 15 minutes, wash off and notice a difference in your skin

Tons and tons of awesome ways to use this healthy fat! Not only for your health yet for adding to your beauty routine as well 🙂

Have you heard of how great coconut oil is?
Will you try any of these?

I love it as a great moisturizer before bed!

Want to see more of me? Head over to Piece Of Cait, where I share bits and pieces of my life all awhile balancing a sweet & healthy lifestyle.

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