Global Handwashing Day

Last week when we helped Save the Children package up food for 900 kids in Kentucky it was a huge reminder about all that we have and that so many do not. And how easy it can be to help by donating or just raising awareness. So I’m going to be sharing more of Save the Children’s incredible efforts in my effort to help this incredible organization. Did you know children miss 272 million school days each year because of diarrhea?

Did you know that 1.5 million children die from diarrhea annually? These facts stink! Especially when you know one of the easiest ways to help prevent the spread of diarrhea and other diseases is by washing your hands.

October 15 is Global Handwashing Day, and Save the Children is taking action by encouraging kids around the world to “wash your hands!”  It is part of the global organization’s effort to help children stay healthy and stay in school.

It seems like such a simple thing to do.  But in many poor countries around the world clean water and soap is hard to come by.  And when kids don’t wash their hands, they get sick. Did you know that 50% of schools worldwide do not have access to clean water?

And without clean water and handwashing, the spread of illness grows. Children might need to wash their hands in a dirty stream. Contracting diarrhea is likely and with what we may view as a simple illness could mean death to many. Did you know that 1.5 million children die from diarrhea annually?

What can you do to help?

Ø      Share Save the Children’s “Dirty Word:  Germs” video on the importance ofhandwashing on Facebook, Twitter and email.

Ø      Help provide clean water to school children and communities around the world.

Ø      Learn more about Global Handwashing Day ( andSave the Children’s School Health and Nutrition programs.

Ø      View Save the Children’s blog on Global Handwashing Day, Oct. 15, to see photos ofhandwashing activities from around the globe.

Ø      Plan your own Global Handwashing Day event at your school, home or work.

Together, we can make a world of difference, and help wash this problem away.

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