A Guide to Parenting Teens ​#ThenAndNowKids #CPTC

The days are long but the years are short! It feels like only yesterday my kiddos were
preschoolers and now this month I become parent to a teenager as my daughter turns 13. The
challenges you face with toddlers and little kids are definitely very different than all the issues
we face navigating the road to parenting teens! Am I right??

We’re all in this together and it’s great to find a resource to help us navigate parenting as our
kids continue to grow and blossom as teens.

A Guide to Parenting Teens

I was excited to recently learn about The Center for Parent and Teen Communication, this new
valuable resource online for parents. It’s fantastic! I love how the website encourages us to
remember the BEST in our child – even from when they were younger – and use that to help us
find the BEST in them now. (Even as we all might be struggling with the new challenges of
guiding a teen!)


So many great moments and memories. From the littlest moments like learning to walk, talk,
read, and swim! To the big moments like going to school or winning their first very first award in
whatever activity…. I remember Kenzie’s early first 5K’s that we ran together when she as
younger and her first swim meets!

5K Kenzie Mom Mother's Day


For Kenzie it’s definitely always been about the swimming and even the running! From when
she was tiny to now as a teenager on the swim team and middle school cross country team!
And she’s always been the best big sister!




My teen and I might argue about the little things at home…. And sometimes with a determined
teenaged girl it feels like we are arguing A LOT! But I always try to think about that sense of
determination and remember how today she uses it channel herself to success in all that she
does – from schoolwork to sports. I’m always amazed at her hard work and endless
determination and the results she achieves from that work ethic and belief in herself.

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What are your thoughts, challenges or questions about parenting teens?

Visit ParentandTeen.com for more information and share this helpful resource with other parents.

Check out this great article by Dr. Ginsburg as a great example of the type of helpful information and advice you’ll find about Parent and Teen Communication here. : http://bit.ly/2xJgzay

Note: This post is sponsored by The Center for Parent and Teen Communication. As always, all thoughts and opinions are our own. 

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